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Shelf component is a template component that acts as a "parent" of different components based on the congiguration on the application.

By Default, the following Components are mapped to different template values in Elevate:

  • HeroShelf: mapped with the template value elevate-hero-banner.
  • GridShelf: mappend with the template values elevate-grid-vertical-portrait and elevate-grid-vertical-wide.
  • CarouselShelf: mapped with the template values elevate-continue-watching, elevate-carousel-portrait, elevate-carousel-wide, elevate-carousel-view-all-portrait, elevate-carousel-categories and elevate-carousel-category-portrait

In case you need to remap, and new templates or new Shelf types, you need to go to src/components/Shelf/templatesMapper.js and update CONTAINER_ID_TO_COMPONENT_MAP and src/config/contants.js and update ACCEDO_CONTROL_CONTAINER_TEMPLATES and ACCEDO_CONTROL_CONTAINER_ID_TEMPLATE_MAP.