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The CMS Service is responsible for retrieving the configuration, navigation/menu, page layout and theming.


All of this data will be compliant with the Elevate Vikimap Model as defined in the models section

Available methods

  • info:
    • getAbout(): Gets the About page content
    • getContact(): Gets the Contact page content
    • getHelp(): Gets the Help page content
    • getTerms(): Gets the Terms page content
  • page:
    • getPageLayout(): Gets the layout of an specific page from the CMS based on a provided id/alias and a locale
  • menu: initialize the entire i18n flow, including set the initial locale.
    • getMenu(): Gets the application Menu
  • routes:
    • getRoutes(): Gets the application routes outside the menu
  • theme:
    • getDefaultTheme(): gets the application default theme.

Example usage

import { getPageLayout } from '#/services/cms';
const pageLayout = await getPageLayout({
id: PAGE_IDS.epg,
locale: currentLocale.code