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The IdP Service is responsible for doing Identity Provider actions like user login, logout, pairing, ...


All of this data will be compliant with the Elevate Vikimap Model as defined in the models section

Available methods

  • loginByCredentials(): Credentials Login Service
  • loginByPairingCode(): Pairing Code Login Service
  • validateUser(): Validade User Service
  • logout(): Logout Service
  • getPairingCode(): Pairing Code Service
  • forgotPassword(): Forgot Password Service
  • getProfile(): Profile management - get profile by id
  • getProfiles(): Profile management - get all profile
  • createProfile(): Profile management - add a new profile
  • updateProfileAvatar(): Profile management - update profile avatar by profile id
  • updateProfileName(): Profile management - update profile name by profile id
  • deleteProfile(): Profile management - delete profile by id
  • getAvatars(): Profile management - get all avatars
  • createPIN(): Profile management - setup a pin for the profile by profile id
  • updatePIN(): Profile management - update pin by profile id
  • deletePIN(): Profile management - remove pin by profile id

Associated Context

The application includes an idP related Context: AuthContext that handle all the user related state and actions, so the Service shouldn't be used directly

Example usage

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { AuthContext } from '#/context/AuthContext';
const authContext = useContext(AuthContext);
const { byCredentials } = authContext.login();
byCredentials(username, password).catch(() => {