Using and extending an Elevate Component
The existing components in Elevate are documented in the Elevate Storybook Most of the components are extensions of the Build Web ones that are also documented in Build Storybook
As defined in the Architecture Document section, in order to start a new project, use Accedo's Generator to start a project based on Elevate
You can also create a new Component Wrapping the existing component if you want to add some non-existing props/features or you can create a new component based on the existing one, whatever fits better.
From the Elevate team, we encourage that if you find any issue in any of the existing components let us know using the slack channels #group-js or #group-build or contact your local Build Champion. The standard contribution model is described in the How to Contribute with Build Elevate CTV in Confluence We are always open to accept Pull Request, so feel free to create a pull request if you consider that can be useful globally.